School Board
Parent Resources
Student Resources
Rains Elementary
Rains Intermediate
Rains Junior High
Rains High School
Required hours for New Trustees ~10 hours; required hours for Experienced Trustees ~ 5 hours. Required hours after the first year will vary depending on how the Post-Legislative Update, Child Abuse, and Evaluating & Improving Student Outcomes hours fall for an individual trustee.
OMA and PIA training is required (outside of SBOE rule) of all elected officials within 90 days of election or appointment. PIA training may be delegated by district policy.
Cybersecurity training is required (outside of SBOE rule) of all school board members annually. Lists of approved online courses and providers of this training are identified by the Texas Department of Information Resources. The course length is determined by the provider.
Trustees may receive any training online except Local Orientation for new board members, Team Building and Evaluating & Improving Student Outcomes (formerly SB1566).
School Board continuing education hours are announced annually in April. A report is required to include each individual board member and whether the member has completed, exceeded, or is deficient in required continuing education hours.
Board training hours were reported on April 10, 2023, at the regular school board meeting.